Top Things To Know Before Hiring A Mobile Marketing Service


In a world that is hooked on smartphones. And where mobile subscriptions surpass the human population; it would not be smart, not to plan, your marketing strategy around mobiles. Relevant industry surveys and reports point to the fact, that Advertising makes up around 65.1% of total revenues accruing from internet advertising.

Mobile advertising has as of today, a very effective way, of reaching out to your potential customers cost-effectively. All because most people use phones.

In a consumerist world that is perpetually online, a good advertising campaign must focus on mobile phone users. That being said, it is a new field of advertising that differs a lot from traditional advertisement concepts.

There are a range of sophisticated options on hand, to create user-friendly mobile phone ads. Indeed, being user-friendly is significant since users may perceive nagging ads as intrusive and disturbing to their viewing experience.


Mobile Marketing Comes In Various Forms

Mobile advertising can be text-based, banners, videos, mobile games, etc. They are usually optimized to fit small display areas. It offers a more targeted delivery compared to a traditional advertisement. In this type of advertising, data is collected about consumer profiles, habits, demographics, preferences, etc.

You don’t need to go out and reach your target market through posters and banners. This can give you headway into customer engagement, personalization of consumer relationships, social media friendliness, and cost-effectiveness.


Comprehensive Mobile Marketing 

The right approach to effective mobile marketing involves in-app advertising as well as mobile web advertising. Let’s elaborate on these concepts in a broader view.

  • Mobile Web Advertisement 

Users now prefer to use their smartphones rather than their desktops or laptops for web surfing and other purposes. However, web pages that are designed to fit mobile or tablet screens can only deliver advertisements in a proper way. In simple words, your Mobile Marketing Strategy must involve responsive web pages. This can make it easy for you to reach the target audience. Video ads and other rich media ads optimized for smartphone screens can offer an enhanced ad experience.

  • In-App advertisement 

It is easy to download apps, and it is yet easier to navigate through them. This makes smartphone apps the most popular medium of advertisement that offers a greater reach than any others. The new generation of mobile users are using mobile apps for almost every job. Indeed, apps are ruling the mind and spirits of mobile users. They are using apps for almost every conceivable job. This makes in-app advertising quite effective. So, in-app mobile advertising can be an effective strategy to promote your products. You just need to pick the right apps and design a creative design within them. Also, you need to design apps that are visible within the selected apps but don’t appear as nagging. You need to design the advertisements to target specific users while giving them a good browsing experience.

Aspects To Consider For Mobile Marketing

You need to see that the following conditions are met.

  • Location or geo-targeting
  • Optimization for viewability
  • Demographic targeting
  • Technographic targeting
  • Data analysis-based targeting
  • Carrier based targeting
  • Ability to target tourists and ex-pats


Predictive Advertising

Since a mobile device is virtual with the owner at all times of the day, it can be used to study and predict the behavior of the user. What began as an analysis of the online behavior of the user is now a full-throttle analysis of also their offline activities. This has now become possible with the integration of GPS into phones. Today it is very possible to analyze the movements of the user and predict their future positions. This data can be smartly capitalized for Advertising purposes. For instance, if the position of a mobile user is predicted to be at point A during lunch hour, an adjacent eatery may advertise on their phones a range of offers, deals, and discounts. Pretty amazingly, posts that the person makes during that time on social media platforms, may even be analyzed. This will allow one to determine whether the person takes lunch at point A or not.

To Conclude

If you are looking for an effective way to market your product or service, you can go for mobile-based marketing. However, you need to consider whether you are possibly hiring the right advertising firm or not. The right services provider would help you to target the right audience, for you by location or geographic area, demography, technography, carrier service, tourists as well as ex-pats. It can also make your advertisements optimized for viewing on mobiles and use data analytics for proper targeting. To conclude the smart ways of advertising are the optimized ways. Having said that there are barely any other ways to advertise which are as smart as Mobile Advertising.




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